
Latest Bollywood News

ShaktiMan famed Mukesh Khanna makes VULGAR comments on women

If a woman asks a boy for sex, then she is doing

Zafeer Zafeer

Kangana Ranaut reacted on Ajay Devgn`s opening of multiplex

Kangana Ranaut is one of those Bollywood actress who do not hesitate

Raushan Kumar Raushan Kumar

He-man Of Bollywood Returns with Horror Film ‘Khalli Balli’.

Veteran Actor Dharmendra making a comeback in cinema after 4 long years.

Ayush Ayush

Mann Jogiya :Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma’s Upcoming song

The two popular TV stars Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma  who are

Jalpana Mohanty Jalpana Mohanty

Virat and Anushka buy Extravagant Farmhouse

Bollywood Actress Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband Virat Kohli are one

Jalpana Mohanty Jalpana Mohanty

Sushant Singh Rajput was ‘Murdered’ said Faisal Khan

After the death of Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput, the perception of

Zafeer Zafeer

Brahmastra Actor, “why are we not criticizing Avengers?”

Brahmastra is a controversial topic nowadays. Among the makers claiming it broke

Zafeer Zafeer

Ayan Mukherji on SRK’s Vanarastra in Brahmastra

Ayan Mukherji directed Brahmastra is spreading like a fire on the grounds

Zafeer Zafeer

Kapil Sharma show famed Ali Asgar opened up, “You can’t predict”

The Kapil Sharma Show quickly became a national sensation in the comedy

Zafeer Zafeer