Veteran Actor Shatrughan Sinha Shares his concern for comedy star Raju Srivastava. Shatrughan Singh on his Twitter handle urges AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) Delhi to give regular bulletin about Raju Srivastava. He tweet “We are really concerned & worried about the ace actor, stand up comedian king, par excellence, self-made man, a very fine human being #RajuSrivastava One can imagine the trauma his wife & family must be going through. It’s very disappointing that he has been in hospital for a month now, at this young age with no positive response coming in. Appreciate, it if the doctors/hospital would issue a fresh bulletin on his health status. Hope, wish & pray that he comes out of it soon. Everybody is praying for his smooth recovery.”
We are aware of the fact that Raju Srivastava suffered from Chest pain while doing GYM. The 58-year-old comedian later underwent angioplasty. The rumor started about the health issues of the Comedian but the daughter cleared all the rumors and said to believe in the Family statement.
She said Dear all well-wishers, My dad Mr. Raju Srivastava Ji’s condition is stable and he continues to recover slowly. He is on a ventilator at the moment. Only statements from AIIMS Delhi and Raju Ji’s official social media accounts are trustworthy and genuine. Any other news or statements from anyone else is unreliable. The doctors and their entire team at AIIMS Delhi are working hard and diligently. We’re thankful to them and all his well-wishers. Request you all to continue your love and prayers for his speedy recovery.”
Raju Srivastava is not only just a Stand-up comedian but also an actor he performs in many films like Baazigar, Bombay to Goa, Maine Pyar Kiya and Aamdani Atthani Kharcha Rupaiya and Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon. He is also the Chairman of the Film Development Council Uttar Pradesh.