Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan has become the center of discussion these das regarding his upcoming projects. Now information is coming that Kartik has once again left for Gujrat for the shooting of his upcoming film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha‘. The actor has off to next schedule. Kartik Aryan himself has shared the picture on his Instagram story about he is leaving for the shooting of the next schedule of ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’. In this picture, the actor is seen taking a selfie while sitting on a plane. Sharing the selfie on Instagram story, he wrote, back to shooting again and this is a normal journey.
The actor will be seen doing romance with Kiara Advani in ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’
In the film ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’, Kartik Aryan will be seen romancing actress Kiara Advani. In the film, Kartik will be seen in the role of Satyaprem while Kiara will be seen in the character named Katha. However, the makers have not yet shared any official information about the characters of their film. Directed by Sameer Vidwans. This film scheduled to be released in theatres on June 23, 2023.
Upcoming films of Kartik Aryan
On the other hand, if we talk about Kartik Aryan`s workfront, he will soon be seen in the film ‘Freddy’. Which directed by one of the wel known director Shaahank Ghosh. In the upcoming film, Kartik Aryan is playing the character of a dentist who will be seen battling with his loneliness. Along with this, the dark side of his acting will also be seen in this film. The movie all set to released in theaters on December 2 as well as on the otherĀ OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar. Apart from this, he will be seen in ‘Shehzada’ opposite actress Kriti Sanon. The film will be released in theatres on February 10, 2023.