Brahmastra Actor, “why are we not criticizing Avengers?”

What is the basic plot in any superhero film? Even if you see Avengers, Iron Man, or Thor, the basic plot is that there is a good guy and a bad guy who wants to rule over the universe.

Zafeer - Writer

Brahmastra is a controversial topic nowadays. Among the makers claiming it broke a few of the records in the terms of Indian cinema. While the critics are not letting them breathe. Meanwhile, the movie is getting mixed reviews on social media platforms. According to some the movie was a theatrical experience, on the other hand, the movie was ok-ish.

It’s not rocket science that the movie is affected by the boycott Bollywood movement, also by a few of the comments of the actor in the movie, the movie at present has done pretty decent for a movie that took around a decade to come up with.

Brahmastra actor explained and made a valid point

Saqib Ayub, who is an actor in Brahmastra, who plays Ranbir‘s best friend role, recently talked about the ‘unknown’ people who are busy criticizing the movie, he said, ‘What is the basic plot in any superhero film? Even if you see Avengers, Iron Man, or Thor, the basic plot is that there is a good guy and a bad guy who wants to rule over the universe. That’s the basic plot here as well.’


‘If you are talking about a story, then you need to stop watching Avengers or Iron Man, or at least criticize these films for the same plot. Their VFX is far superior but so are their budgets. But when it comes to the story, why are we not criticizing Avengers or Iron Man. They have the same story,’  The actor later added.

“There’s no point in responding to unknown people”, said Saqib

About the reaction toward people criticizing the movie, Saqib Ayub said,  “I don’t get angry or disappointed. There’s no point in responding to unknown people criticizing the film on the internet. There’s no sense in engaging with them.”


If we look closely at the plots of Hollywood superhero movies. The plot and the story are somewhat in the backseat of the movie, the VFX and the dialogues are a must. VFX is correlated with the amount of the budget, but for the most expensive movie in the history of Indian cinema, Brahmastra did pretty decent VFX, said some viewers.

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