The trailer of Abhay Deol’s web series Trial by Fire has been released on the 1997 Delhi-based Uphaar cinema fire incident. The trailer begins with several families laughing and playing. Where the kids and several family members go to watch a movie, only to die when a fire breaks out in the theater. In which the lost parents of their children are wandering from door to door to seek justice. But the lax attitude of the administration is troubling. Please tell that 59 people lost their lives and more than 100 were injured in this tragic accident. Not only this, the people involved in this accident also had to fight a long battle for justice.
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The series is based on real incident
In this trailer of ‘Trial by Fire’, you can clearly see that in the year 1997. South Delhi’s Uphaar cinema was engulfed in flames. Uphaar Cinema was the victim of a major accident due to a massive fire during the show. Hundreds of family members had lost their lives in this fire. One of the families Neelam and Shekhar Krishnamurthy also lost their two children in Uphaar cinema fire. Let us inform that Krishnamurthy fought a long battle to get justice not only for himself but also for other victim families. Which is shown in this trailer of Trial by Fire. Along with this, the ‘Trial by Fire’ series will also be seen exposing the conspiracy behind the Uphaar cinema fire tragedy.
More about Trial By Fire
Directed by Prashant Nair and Randeep Jha and inspired by true events. The web series also stars Abhay Deol, Rajshree Deshpande, Rajesh Tailang, Anupam Kher in key roles. Let us tell you that this web series is going to be released on January 13, 2023 on the OTT platform Netflix.