The announcement of making a biopic on Sourav Ganguly. The former captain of the Indian cricket team, has been made a long time ago. It is being produced by Luv Films. Discussions were going on for the last four-five years regarding Sourav Ganguly’s biopic and now the script of this film has been written and prepared. Sourav Ganguly is going to finalize the script of his biopic film on 24 January. The ex-BCCI president will be coming to Mumbai to finalize the story.
According to insiders, Sourav will meet with the film’s creators and writers in Mumbai on Tuesday to check the screenplay before moving on with further work. Close sources claim that Sourav does not want to move the biopic along quickly at all. He wants everything to go off without a hitch so that it’s factually accurate.
A biopic film will be made on Sourav Ganguly
— Sourav Ganguly (@SGanguly99) January 1, 2023
A biopic on Sourav Ganguly’s life is going to be made soon. On September 9, 2021, Luv Films and Sourav Ganguly together announced this biopic. After two years of research, the script of the film is almost ready. But the makers want to take permission from Sourav Ganguly before starting the further work. In such a situation, former Indian captain Sourav is going to Mumbai with his friend Sanjay Das on Monday night to give green signal to the script of the film.
Dada will discuss the script
As per sources, Sourav will sit with the makers and writers of the film in Mumbai on Tuesday to confirm the script for further work. According to close sources, Sourav does not want to rush the biopic at all. He wants everything to be done in a smooth manner so as to make it factually correct.
Before making a film on Sourav Ganguly’s life, biopics have also been made on Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Azharuddin and Kapil Dev, players who were captains of the Indian cricket team. There is no information about who will play Ganguly in this biopic. The budget of this film will be around Rs 250 crore.