Ritesh Deshmukh releases his directorial debut film ‘Ved’ teaser. After acting, actor Ritesh Deshmukh is going to step into the field of film direction. On the occasion of Diwali, he shared the details of his directorial debut film ‘Ved’ and also released the first look of the film. Now they have released the teaser of ‘Ved’ on November 24. Actress Genelia D`Souza is in the female lead role in this film.
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Ritesh and Genelia pair will be seen after 10 years
Apart from directing ‘Ved’, Ritesh Deshmukh is also acting in the film and will be opposite Genelia D`Souza. Along with ‘Ved’, the two will once again be romancing on the big screen after 10 years. Genelia and Ritesh last seen in the film ‘Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya’. Talking about the release date of ‘Ved’, the film will release on 30 December this year.
Story of incomplete love is shown in the teaser of ‘Ved’
Ritesh Deshmukh seen in an intense role in the teaser of ‘Ved’. The story of the film woven around incomplete love story. However, in the teaser, Ritesh seen talking about the joy of finding love and the loneliness that comes after it remains unfulfilled. Talking about Genelia D`Souza, she seen in very simple look in ‘Ved’, but impressive.
Genelia is going to debut in Marathi film with ‘Ved’
With ‘Ved’, Genelia D`Souza is going to enter Marathi films after Hindi. This is her debut film in Marathi film industry. Announcing the film, the actress shared a beautiful note on Twitter expressing her happiness. However, the actress wrote, ”I was born in Maharashtra. After starting acting, i worked in films of different languages like Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. I loved by the audience there. But now i want to start my Marathi film. I am making my debut with Ritesh directorial debut. Working in a Marathi film, i feel like i am complete.