The motion poster of Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi film ‘Double XL’ has been released recently. With this the makers announced that the film will be released in the theatres on November 4. The film has shown a mirror to the society which looks at obese people differently. Now ‘Double XL’ is going to complete with Katrina Kaif`s ‘Phone Bhoot’ at the box office.
Double XL will release on this day:
Ever since the teaser releases, buzz has been that the filmĀ is based on a slice-of-lifeĀ comic drama that questions the norms of body image. The first motion poster of the film was recently released by the makers, In which Sonakshi Sinha is seen. Director Satram Ramani`s comedy and heart-touching film Double XL explores the lives of two plus size women. Both of these mirror the society for which being beautiful means being thin. See the teaser here:
Double XL will clash with Phone Bhoot:
Earlier Double XL was expected to release in the month of October. But then it got postponed and now it will release on November 4. As soon as this news came out the makers of Phone Bhoot got nervous because on this day their film will also hit the floors. Phone Bhoot stars Katrina Kaif, Ishaan Khattar and Siddanth Chaturvedi in lead roles. It would be interesting to see the clash of big stars together. Fans are excited for both the films. But if both the films got released on same day then there must be the good clash to see.
Who will beat whom:
On the other hand if we talk about ‘Phone Bhoot’ Katrina Kaif, Ishaan Khattar and Siddanth Chaturvedi are going to be seen for the first time together. It is a horror comedy flick which is in the production before the corona period. Interestingly, the first look of this film was shot before the lockdown started in the country. This fil is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani. Together fans are all set to see the clash of these two masterpiece movies. Who will win the battle will be seen after the release.