Aamir Khan-Kareena Kapoor`s film ‘Laal Singh Chadha’ may not have shown any charisma at the box office, but the film is rocking on OTT platforms. The story is the same, but the audience is new. Maybe that is why this film is getting good response on digital space platform. The film was released on the silver screen on 11 August 2022. There was strong demand for the boycott of this film from very beginning. Even after its release on the big screen, the film did not get a good response from the critics and the fans. After box office response, Laal Singh Chadha was released on Netflix on 6 October. Within a week, the film has got an amazing response all over the world.
Laal Singh Chadha is getting love from the audience on Netflix?
After the release on the big screen, Laal Singh Chadha also failed to do business of 100 crores globally. But after its premiere on Netflix, the film has been receiving love and appreciation from the audience across the globe. Within a week, the film has moved to No. 1 on Netflix in India and No. 2 in non-English medium. The film was watched for 6.63 million hours. For information, let us tell you that this film has joined the top 10 in terms of films in 13 countries around the world. Which includes UAE, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Oman, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.
Shahrukh`s cameo did wonders?
The climax scene of Laal Singh Chadha directed by Advait Chandan has been the biggest hit among the audience. At the same time, some people have also liked the cameo of Shahrukh Khan. Let us tell you that this film is the Hindi remake of the Oscar winning film ‘Forest Gump’. Apart from Aamir and Kareena, the film also stars Mona Singh, Naga Chaitanya and Manav Vij.