Chhello Show Movie Review – 2| Pan Nalin |

Chhello show doesn't have that oversized Beating Heart of Cinema Paradiso. Anyone can became a weeping mess, after watching the movie.

Zafeer  - Writer

Chhello Show has been shot on location in Gujarat. The child actors are non-professionals summer played by Bhaven Rabari. Who effortlessly combines sweetness with an impressive streak of rebelliousness. There’s this sparkle in his eye that instantly tells you that he was born for bigger and better things.

Samay is a natural-born storyteller. He also the king of Jugar he and his friends who are also play by non-pros have the creativity. The hood spa to turn junk into magic the world is their playground. Unlike the adults around them these kids are fearless curious even matchboxes thrown on the railway line become a source of entertainment. These boys take the central stage but the adult actors are also solid. Bhavesh Shrimali as Fazal the pen Ravel as Sami’s father and Rich Amina as his mother deliver amazing performances. As does child actor Rahul Kohli.  Who tragically passed away from leukemia last week.

Chhello Show compared Cinema Paradiso

Chhello show doesn’t have that oversized Beating Heart of Cinema Paradiso each time I watched that film. I am reduce to this weeping mess instead Chhello Show cruise’s power slowly sometimes. A little too slowly as the story progresses there stretches that are dramatic. People who do not know about Pan Nalin, who made the ‘Chello Show’ please understand that he is a very well-known Filmmaker in international cinema. He has paired himself with a host of independent filmmakers. He made his first film by co-producing with companies from Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, and India. The name of the movie was Samsara. And this movie is not a copy of Cinema Paradiso. Both the stories are very apart but belong to a common theme and that is passion/infatuation with filmmaking, and experiencing cinema.

Chhello Show achievements

Chello Show has also nominated in many international film festivals. The last movie that was a festival sweetheart was Village Rockstars. It did well too. Hope Pan Nalin gets it this time. RRR obviously has its weight but in the foreign language category story and cinematic realism are very important. They will not select a digitally VFX-designed film. There is a history of foreign award-winning movies, the jury is more about aesthetics, substance, and complex storylines.

The Chhello Show made India enter the 95th Academy Awards. Under the direction of Pan Nalin, the film is a lovely memory of the director’s love for the rural kids of Gujurat.

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